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Pedestrian Accidents in Texas

 Posted on May 08,2024 in Personal Injury

TX injury lawyerTraffic accidents can be traumatizing, no matter how minor they may appear. Having a car or truck colliding with you can be terrifying, and having extra costs like medical care and auto repairs to worry about is never easy. When you are walking on the sidewalk and a car crashes into you, it can be even more infuriating. The roads are made for vehicles and the sidewalks and crosswalks are there for people, so being hit by a car while you are walking where you are supposed to is inexcusable. Since cars and trucks are much more powerful than people, pedestrian accidents generally cause significant injury that might affect victims far into the future if not for the rest of their lives. If you or a loved one was hurt in a pedestrian accident, speak with a knowledgeable Bexar County, TX personal injury lawyer to understand your options.

Common Injuries from Pedestrian Accidents

Every pedestrian accident is different. The actual injuries to the victim can depend on the size of the car, the speed it was driving, whether it was turning a corner or driving straight, and other factors. However, there are some injuries that most commonly appear as a result of a pedestrian accident. These include:

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Wrongful Death Claim in a Fatal Drunk Driving Accident in Texas

 Posted on April 25,2024 in Wrongful Death

TX injury lawyerCar crashes caused by a drunk driver can be infuriating. With many laws prohibiting it and warnings on bottles of alcohol and around bars and liquor stores, there is awareness about the potential harm of drunk driving, and yet people still do it constantly. If a loved one is killed in a fatal drunk driving accident, your anger is joined by mourning and heartbreak. In addition to grieving, you likely have medical bills, funeral costs, and other expenses associated with the accident that claimed your family member’s life. If this has happened to you, a compassionate San Antonio, TX wrongful death attorney can handle your case with care and sensitivity to get you the compensation your family deserves.

What Does Wrongful Death Mean in Texas?

The state of Texas understands wrongful death to mean death caused by someone else’s “wrongful act, neglect, carelessness, unskillfulness, or default.” In the case of a fatal drunk driving accident, your lawyer could argue that the driver carried out a wrongful act by driving drunk, which is illegal, and showed a great deal of carelessness.

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Can an Hours of Service Violation Help My Truck Accident Claim?

 Posted on April 10,2024 in 18-wheeler truck accidents

TX injury lawyerCommercial trucks can be extremely difficult to handle on the roads. All drivers need to make sure they are alert and careful while on the road, but truck drivers need to be extra cautious because any mistake can have catastrophic results, both in terms of bodily harm and material damage. That is why there are added traffic rules and regulations for truck drivers to follow. For example, there are hours or service rules that dictate the maximum number of hours that commercial truck drivers are allowed to work before they are required to take a driving break. If a truck crashes into your car and you believe an hours of service violation was involved, a skilled San Antonio, TX personal injury attorney can review your case and advise you on how to seek sufficient compensation.

What are Hours of Service?

Driver fatigue is common among long-haul truck drivers, and tired drivers are the cause of many severe traffic accidents. To help keep the roads safe, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration enforces federal hours of service regulations, which essentially determine how long a truck driver can work before he must stop and rest. This serves two very important purposes:

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Inadequate Truck Maintenance and Texas Truck Accidents

 Posted on March 23,2024 in 18-wheeler truck accidents

TX accident lawyerTrucks are an excellent tool for commerce, and they bring people the products that they need. Unfortunately, because they are so much larger than other vehicles on the road, they are also responsible for a great deal of damage caused by traffic accidents. Sometimes the truck driver is at fault for driving in an unsafe manner. Sometimes the company that employs the driver is at fault for making their drivers work too long, with their drowsiness leading to carelessness. Sometimes, the truck itself was not given proper maintenance, and that is the reason why the accident happened. If you were injured in a truck accident, speak with an experienced Bexar County, TX personal injury lawyer to understand whether you have a case for compensation for your accident-related expenses.

Inadequate Truck Maintenance Explained

While it might be easy to blame the truck driver for an accident, sometimes the truck itself might be responsible. All vehicles, including passenger cars, require regular maintenance and servicing. For trucks and their thousands of parts, routine maintenance is essential. If even one part of a large truck is faulty and goes unrepaired, it could lead to driving malfunctions and in turn, to serious accidents. 

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What Is Involved in a Wrongful Death Case in Texas?

 Posted on March 04,2024 in Wrongful Death

TX wrongful death lawyerTraffic accidents caused by drunk drivers are unfortunately quite common. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, these are to blame for about a third of all traffic-related deaths. It is devastating to lose someone you love in a car accident with a drunk driver. No amount of money can ever make up for this tragic loss, but financial compensation can at least help cover costs related to the accident as well as the financial losses suffered because of this death. If this has happened to you, a Bexar County, TX wrongful death attorney can help guide you through this difficult process.

What Does Wrongful Death Mean?

When someone dies as the result of someone else’s “wrongful act, neglect, carelessness, unskillfulness, or default of another,” it is considered a wrongful death according to Texas law. This means that the person did not intend to kill the person who died, but their actions caused the other person’s death, and they can be held responsible in court. When this happens, you can file a wrongful death claim and may be able to recover damages, which is a term that covers financial and other losses that you and your family have suffered as a result of the death in question.

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I Was in a Crash With an 18-Wheeler in Texas. Now What?

 Posted on February 21,2024 in 18-wheeler truck accidents

TX truck accident lawyerVehicle accidents are an unfortunate but common occurrence. Because the trucking industry plays a large role in Texas’s economy and it is therefore extremely common to see trucks driving on the highways, the prevalence of accidents involving trucks has been increasing on an annual basis. The chances of being harmed in an accident with a truck are high. If you were involved in a crash with an 18-wheeler truck, an experienced Austin, TX personal injury attorney can advise you on what you should do next.

Why Do Truck Accidents Happen?

An important part of any claim for compensation after a truck accident is trying to determine what caused the crash. Just like with any traffic accident, several factors can cause a truck accident. Although the trucking company might try to hide evidence of any fault, it is important for you to save any evidence you may have of any of the following:

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I Was Injured When Cargo Fell From a Truck. What Should I Do?

 Posted on February 06,2024 in 18-wheeler truck accidents

TX injury lawyerCar accidents are an unfortunate part of life nowadays. When a passenger vehicle is involved in a truck accident caused by cargo falling from a truck, it can have serious repercussions in terms of bodily harm and property damage. Often, the person driving the truck is not the owner of the truck or the cargo being driven, and this can cause questions about who is responsible for covering the costs resulting from the accident. If you were involved in a cargo-related crash, an experienced San Antonio, TX truck accident lawyer can review your case and offer you reliable guidance.

Cargo-Related Crashes

Trucks are involved in a large number of accidents in Texas every year. In fact, according to the Texas Department of Transportation, there were 26,963 truck accidents in 2022.

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Excess Heat in the Workplace Can Lead to Heat Stroke

 Posted on January 31,2024 in Workers' Compensation

Austin, TX workplace injuries lawyerWorking in hot conditions, such as an oil refinery, can expose you to extreme heat regularly. If proper precautions are not taken, the risk of heat stroke rises dramatically. If you do experience a heat stroke at work because of the negligence of your employer, a Texas personal injury lawyer may be able to bring a case against your employer.

Taking Preventative Measures

Employers have a responsibility to protect their workers from heat stroke by implementing preventative measures. These may include:

  • Providing cool, air-conditioned break areas: Give employees a place to get relief from the heat during shift changes or lunch breaks. This space should have seating, cold water, and airflow.

  • Enforcing hydration and rest breaks: Make sure staff stays hydrated by drinking enough water. Also, mandate regular cool-down breaks in shaded areas.

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What Constitutes a Personal Injury Case in Texas?

 Posted on January 10,2024 in Personal Injury

Blog ImagePersonal injury law in Texas allows individuals to file civil lawsuits against other parties for injuries and damages suffered wholly or partially because of someone else’s negligence. A Texas personal injury attorney can help you determine what potential your situation may have.

Defining What Exactly“Injury” Means

A personal injury case requires that the person making the claim prove they endured some type of legally recognized injury. This injury can be physical, mental, emotional, or financial. Common personal injuries in accident cases include:

  • Broken bones

  • Sprains and strains

  • Cuts and abrasions

  • Head trauma or brain injuries

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How to Prove Your Amazon Delivery Driver Truck Accident

 Posted on December 28,2023 in Personal Injury

San Antonio, TX delivery driver accident lawyerAccidents involving Amazon delivery trucks can be complicated. You should not try to attempt a case like this on your own. If you have been involved in such an accident, A Texas personal injury lawyer can help you with the steps you need to take.

Document the Accident Scene if Possible

If you remembered to take photos at the scene, make sure to include them in your case file for your lawyer. If you did not take any, there is still hope. You can see if any houses or businesses nearby had camera footage of what happened. Also, document in your own words what happened.

Gather Witness Information

If there was anyone who could be a witness to the accident, gather their contact information. Their statements can provide additional evidence and help establish the Amazon driver’s fault. This could be someone in the car with you, or it could be someone at their house nearby or a store owner. Think back to who may have been around, and then you can ask them for a statement.

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